
Showing posts from October 13, 2008

The next Great Depression?

Most people have a very weak understanding of our history. Most incorrectly assume that the Great Depression is a failure of capitalism. The only thing that is a failure of capitalism is the legion of socialist drones that threaten to take over my country. But for some there is still hope. Those that wake up every day to insure that the Bush legacy is reduced to a steaming corpse in the footnotes of history. I respect that, Bush is a dismal failure. Although I suggest that he is less of a failure than you may think. I have done some work on our first (yikes?) Great Depression. Check it out.

What is Barack Obama hiding?

Tell me my dear Americans, have all of you lost your mind? Seriously? Do you realize that with the connections that Obama is currently sporting he would not be hired for any state job that required even the least bit of secrecy. This guy would barely pass Logan airport security (not exactly Fort Knox), yet he is practically in the white house? WTF? We don't know anything about him. Every school record is sealed. He has not produced a valid birth certificate. Obama is shadier than the dude that hangs out at the local gas station picking through trash. Look, I know, Bush sucks. Bush lied people died. I KNOW! Breathe. Does that give us an excuse to not even inquire about his past? The media and the zombies that follow it assume that he is smart because he went to Columbia + Harvard. SO? Did you forget he is black? Did you forget that Harvard practices affirmative action? Don't call me racist, I am being justifiably skeptical. Why am I the only one questioning his...

Please stop blaming Bush on the housing crisis

Folks, The media wants you to believe that the GOP and their deregulation ruined this country. Countless of explanations are all over the web and their counter-explanations to boot. The truth is far more sinister. A large group of the senate and congress believed that the poor have struggled way too much and implemented mechanisms of Social Engineering. They felt that the less priveleged deserved houses too. Utilizing a much neglected 1977 law (Community Reinvestment Act) and a 1995 revised bill they enabled community organizing groups like ACORN, NACA, LaRaza, MAHA etc to extract hundreds of millions from banks. Many liberals claim that the CRA is just a right-wing scapegoat, but they are lying as they often do. They are neglecting that the groups have provided a massive number of loans through their own off-shoot housing programs. No one, including the govt can quantify how many loans were issued via CRA. Let me tell you, every poor town in the Boston area is defaulting like c...


This is an extension of my youtube videos. Sometimes however I cannot say everything I want to in my videos so I will use this approach. I am an independent thinker of libertarian persuasion. I do have a mission this year and that is to educate people on who Barack Obama is. This man of change in my opinion will prove to be in my estimate the most devastating choice America will voluntarily make since Carter. The worst part is that the only reason people support this empty suit is their hate of Bush. Bush is not your problem, Obama is your problem. If you do not start voting with your brain and rely on your emotions, then we will all be doomed. I will answer all questions, but I do not answer to insults. You insult, you get banned. Simple, right? An older video of mine where Obama (IMO) insults a lot of Americans and shows off his elitism.