Housing crisis a war on middle class America.

We have a housing crisis in this country, but the crisis is not rising foreclosure rates and rundown neighborhoods. After all, those elements have existed before and they are a natural part of the real estate market's ebb and flow. There is another crisis unfolding, a crisis that the media will not report and the politicians will not acknowledge. War has been declared on every single American who in the past several years did all the right things and made all the correct decisions. Somehow it has been established that those suffering the impending housing doom are victims of greedy bankers and exploitative free marketeers unleashed upon America due to 'deregulation'. It has been estimated that those suffering foreclosures number somewhere between 4 and 6 million people. For perspective, there are as many Facebook fans of Barack Obama. The remainder 295 million Americans due to sheer cunning shrewdness and genius escaped the prying clutches of money grubbing bankers and for...