Health Care Reform aka America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009
America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (AAHC) is the name of the bill that has the potential to radically change the landscape of the American health system. With over 1,000 pages in size, a bill of this magnitude is too difficult for any one person to read through, in fact at this point it is likely than no one individual member of congress has read it. Of course this would not be the first time, considering the stimulus bill was passed and nobody read that either. I will track the bill on the page and you can follow the link to explore more about it. As of now, opencongress .org is showing another overwhelming tilt in public opinion with: 56 Ayes and 422 Nays , although not nearly as bad the Cap and Trade Bill with 174 Ayes and 1497 Nays . I imagine that as people learn more about the potential dangers of "health reform" the division should become more profound. You should begin to wonder at this point, why is Washington so completely out of touch with average Ame...