Ron Paul supporters: A blessing or a curse?

Here ye, here ye, this is addressed to a certain segment of the Ron Paul movement in an effort to explain to you folks that what you are doing, the things you are saying and that your action is having a very negative impact on both the candidate Ron Paul and the entire liberty movement. I know how passionate and hot headed you people are, so before you rush to the comment section to berate the living hell out of me please keep in mind that I am a Ron Paul supporter myself. Although I do not agree with all of Paul's positions and in fact have some strong criticism of certain things he does I strongly believe that other than Gary Johnson (due to 8 years of executive experience) there is no other Republican candidate that can help this ailing country.
Let me define this particular segment of the base to whom this is addressed.
1. First and foremost you are probably a zealot, while you may think that there is no amount of passion and fervor that can be devoted to a c...