
Showing posts from November 10, 2009

Umass Amherst invites a convicted terrorist to speak.

A piece on the Examiner about Umass's invitation of human garbage .  We all know that Amherst is a liberal bastion, but even liberals have their limits. 

EPA lawyers speak out against Cap and Trade, propose alternative plan. NOAA throws wrench in alarmist's plans.

Look, global warming has not been able to get any traction despite Al Gore winning a Noble prize the honor of which has certainly been put under scrutiny recently.  However there are still plenty of people who are willing to buy the hype and can even consider that the alarmists may be onto something.  Personally, it does not matter ot me one bit if there is a group of people who think that oceans are rising because I forgot to turn my light off.  Frankly, I have heard of crazier things.  It does get a bit annoying to listen to these alarmist views considering they are describing nature.  "The oceans are rising!" "The rivers are shrinking" "The coast cities are sinking" "Polar bears are sweating".   So what?  Long before you and me and even Pelosi (although questionable), all these natural phenomenons existed.  You know why that hunk of ice we call Greenland was called Green land ?  Because it was green!  So go ahead and scream like ...

The stock market rally of 2009 will end in disaster.

Beyond the less obvious signs that we are heading down the identical path of the 1930s, there is a clear sign that stocks are in their own mini asset bubble. Bubbles you see, have become the norm in the past 20 years due to the policy of the central bank.  When a group of bankers and virtually all the politicians decide that in times of contraction flooding the system with easily accessible credit is the solution, bubbles form.   My family escaped the Soviet Union in the late 80s and we arrived to America just after the crash of 1987.  Since then, we have been in some kind of bubble virtually non-stop.  It has only become apparent recently though due to some investigation and reading of material that some might consider less than mainstream.  I have written and recommended several sources for you to adsorb in order to understand why we are a bubble economy and how the Federal Reserve is leading us down a rat hole and will continue doing so until it becomes ...