
Showing posts from November 1, 2010

Before you get too excited with the Republican wave, a blast from the past.

The Republicans are coming, the Republicans are coming!   Everyone hide!   It seems like the impending Republican wave is going to hit America tomorrow evening like a tsunami straight out of hell.  People are cheering and dancing in the street, finally, no more spending, no more Pelosi and no more liberal agenda.  Yeah, not so fast.  Beyond the inevitable frustration that will be the lame-duck session of Congress, there is the little issue of Republicans and their promises.  Actually, there are two issues. Issue number one.   The current Republican leadership is inept.  There, I said it. Inept.  By and large the Boehner, Cantor, Ryan coalition in the House and the McConnell Senate leadership are simply vying for power.  They have openly and publicly declared their contempt for anything that resembles the Tea Party and are already scheming how to take control of the incoming freshmen.  Not that there is anything wrong w...