
Showing posts from December 23, 2009

First Detroit and now Greece.

In a previous post a video was shown to demonstrate what a combination of liberal policy, federal expansion and a city reliant on one source of revenue can turn into, a heaping mess.  Although no video this time, an article from IBD attempts to tackle the question of Greece.  What is happening in the small Hellenic country and why are investors dumping Greek bonds in fear of a default?   Greece may be the tip of the iceberg, but much can be learned from a municipal enclave like Detroit to a small European country like Greece.  Years of embedded socialism — in spending, labor and regulatory practices — are responsible. They've enabled the government to consume the very economy that's supposed to sustain it. Even supposedly right-of-center parties spent state cash the same way. The last party in power was nominally conservative, but failed to stop expansion of government. It kept hiring, kowtowed to union demands for fear of strikes and did little to change ...

CBS reporting on ObamaCare special deals?

Yesterday it was MSNBC and today it is CBS.  When traditional backers of the Democrat liberal agenda decide that this is a story worth sharing, one must assume that something stinks to high heaven.  In fact it would appear that things have gotten so out of hand in the Senate one does not even know what is legal or illegal anymore.  What is right or wrong?  Harry Reid claims this is the art of compromising.  Republicans are equally guilty of engaging in the same kind of vote buying, although as Katie points out, at least Republicans chastizied then majority leader Tome DeLay, the same kind of hubris missing from today's majority.  Is this the 17th Amendment at work?  Probably not, considering before the amednment's passage special deals and favors were done at the local legislature level.  So what is going on?  Is this a fact of life in America?  Are Americans content with having federal money spent on state favors? ...

English lawmaker speaks about ObamaCare

Daniel Hannan is a politician from across the pond and for whatever reason really likes our Constitution.  He discusses with Glenn Beck the NHS, Britain's national health care system and basically asks us if we are insane.  Why would we want to hand over something as precious as health care over to the government.  The video speaks for itself.