Missile shield cuts, European welfare state in danger?

In the wake of Obama’s controversial missile shield decision, it is important to consider the big picture. America spends a lot of money on military expenditures and both the Right and the Left feel strongly about this figure. As of 2008, America is spending a quarter of it’s expenditures on Defense and about 9% on welfare (this number is important) out of roughly 2.5 Trillion. Missile defense is the single most expensive DoD project costing over 8 billion dollars annually, twice as much as the F-22 Raptor procurement. ( Source : Page 5) with a significant portion of the costs going overseas. It remains unclear how much of that figure is spent on our allies, but that portion needs to be cut. Moving on to Europe. In a report on social welfare comparison , citing the OECD as evidence we can see that the major European countries spend considerably more on welfare than we do. Bloated public spending is often seen as a key fault of the "European Social" model. Britain’s social we...