
Showing posts from February 22, 2009

General Obama declares war on deficit and the wealthy.

A short week after signing into law the biggest spending bill in the history of the United States, Obama has turned his attention on cutting our deficits . Akin to an alcoholic saying he will no longer drink whiskey, while doubling up on vodka and beer. His first line of business is to cut spending in Afghanistan & Iraq, ironic of course considering he just signed the deployment of 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. What exactly does he plan to cut? Going to send the soldiers over there without rifles? Russians did so in battle of Stalingrad, so there is SOME precedent. Withdrawal from Iraq has been promised to take place within 16 months, but rumors are swirling that this timeline might be extended. So how else does Obama plan to "get exploding deficits under control"? First in line, are the Bush tax cuts which contrary to popular belief save everyone money as they reduce tax rates across all brackets, these will expire in 2010 and 2011. As of now Obama promises to...