Video: Cut spending in MA and Vote Yes on 3
Below is a video that I have created to spread the word about Question 3. Specifically, as my previous articles, the idea is to look behind the knee-jerk reaction and the feel-good rhetoric. From a truly mathematical perspective, we can truly cut our sales tax and experience no cuts in services. Both sides are engaged in propaganda, but the opposition is especially damaging. The opposition insists on skewing the numbers and manipulating the data in order to scare and intimidate - this is not a right way to run the campaign. While the pro-Question 3 crowd's biggest offense is a possible error in how many jobs would be created. More importantly the opposition, something exposed in the video, particularly which organizations comprise the opposition should be enough to anger any tax paying citizen. It is frustrating beyond belief to see public unions run roughshod all over us with piles and piles of money. Anyway, enjoy and share with others. ...