
Showing posts from November 11, 2009

Kentucky 2010 Senate seat - Republican primary Rand Paul vs Trey Grayson

With Jim Bunning's decision not to run again, Kentucky's senate seat could be an interesting race.  While this seat should go to Republicans, the outcome of the primary could play a role here.  Rand Paul (yes, son of Ron Paul) - Opposes the bailouts - Wants to cut the military budget - Wants to ban lobbying for companies with contracts exceeding 1 million dollars.   - Sees inflation as a major threat - Critical of Bush's Medicare and no-child-left-behind programs as examples of Federal expansion. - Supports term limits - Supports auditing the Fed. - Wants to end subsidies for illegal immigrants, build electric fence. Trey Grayson - Wants to end/reverse the TARP - Opposes the bailouts, cash for clunkers - Supports auditing the Fed. - Supports GOP health reform proposal . - Wishes to co-sponsor a bill to amend the Constitution to match spending to revenue. - Support permanent repeal of the estate tax or “death tax” and the AMT - Fight anchor babies, bette...

Why ObamaCare is going to be a budget busting bill.

Dan Mitchell of CATO who I generally like despite his advocacy of trickle-down and Laffer curve economics (Keynesian) does a nice and simple job of explaining the underpinnings behind the "health care reform".  Do watch and pass it along to those people who fail to understand that massive federal programs always miss their fiscal projections and expand to the point of becoming catastrophic liabilities.  While I do not oppose in principle the idea of Medicaid, that is catastrophic coverage for low income families, it has far exceeded it's original intention in both coverage and cost and now has to be either cut by 90% or ended.  We need to stop being a nation of "government should help us in times of need" and start being a nation of "government should enforce our natural rights, liberty and property".  At this point, whether liberal or conservative we must unite in understanding that our deficits will destroy this nation.  Ultimately we can set as...