Obama's FCC Diversity Czar - A history of radicalism.
Let us quickly look at a man by the name of Mark Lloyd and his official position of Associate General Counsel and Chief Diversity Officer (not a czar technically) a a man who was once employed by George Soros ' Center for American Progress (CAP). Beyond the jumble of fancy sounding names, keep in mind that CAP is an extreme left leaning think tank with George Soros ' as a major benefactor . If George Soros is willing to put up his hard earned cash to support this body, good chance it qualifies for his radical agenda. Views on talk radio : Mark Lloyd's rise to fame and inevitable appointment within the Obama administration is his stance on "equalizing" talk radio. He wrote a piece while employed at CAP, proposing a plan to impose harsh fees on successful talk radio stations and divert that funding to the likes of NPR. Come again? Is this just not blatant distribution from successful private stations, to much less successful stations? The thought of wrestling priv...