More hidden consequences of ObamaCare unveiled.
The list is mounting and it should be no surprise considering Pelosi herself stated that we will only discover the inner workings of the bill after it's passage. This of course tyranny at it's finest and it is happening right under our noses. While you can be somewhat comforted knowing that a majority of Americans want this abomination of a bill repealed, it is only a short lived comfort since the majority is a paltry 58%. So far only 18 states have filed suit to preserve state autonomy, another disturbingly low number, disturbing because it is astonishing how quickly states are willing to surrender rights and freedom to the likes of Pelosi and Reid. Today's discovery comes from a story from Arizona . One doctor is threatening to close his practice, a practice that been operational since 1976! Why is the good doctor so perturbed? It looks like the already obnoxious penalty of $10,000 for failing to comply with Medicare standards will be going ...