
Showing posts from March 21, 2010

ObamaCare and Congress, no surprises there.

Glancing around the blogosphere it seems that conservatives and libertarians are once again in a collective rage over the inevitable passing of ObamaCare.   Yes, there is plenty to be angry about and the depth to which our politicians are stooping is surprising even the most seasoned pundits.  However this surprise is only shared by those individuals who believe our Congress is acting at the behest of a populace upset with our current health care system.  This is simply incorrect, ObamaCare has very little to do with health care.  Latest polling data suggests that a higher percentage of people oppose ObamaCare than the percentage Obama received in November of 2008.  54% of Americans oppose this piece of legislation, with 45% strongly opposing it.  Now, this was the point I repeatedly brought up during the special election in Massachusetts, when Republican superstar Scott Brown pledged to stop ObamaCare.  In fact this issue was a cornerstone of...