Back to back spending bills coming from Congress; Tax cut deal and omnibus.
Breaking news, Congressional Democrats are out of touch with America. More breaking news, America is broke and doubling down on failed strategies. OK, not breaking after all, but with November elections proving to be cataclysmic it really boggles to mind to see Harry Reid and Pelosi barely skip a beat! This lame duck session is just further proof that Washington DC and America are miles apart and the quality of our representation has plummeted. No wonder Congress's approval stands at a whopping 13 percent ! How lucky for Congress that they automatically vote themselves pay raises despite approval ratings that would make George W. wince. So despite the referendum on November where a record number of State legislatures flipped and we have potentially the biggest Constitutionalist minority in the House since lord-knows-when, two bills are up for consumption. The first is the aforementioned tax deal struck between President Obama and the GOP. Not muc...