
Showing posts from January 17, 2010

Video: Obama stumps for Martha Coakley, interrupted by hecklers.

In what appears to be an act of desperation the Democrats dispatched our president to rally the shell shocked liberals in voting for Coakley.  This is particularly perplexing because it would appear that every poll is suggesting that Brown is guaranteed to clinch the win - so what is Obama doing?  After stumping for Corzine in NJ and speaking on behalf of Deeds in VA, is he willing to further undermine his own credibility here in MA?  Now perhaps these losses are irrelevant to him or do not hurt his standing in any way, but a third loss in a row would suggest that the magical aura is beginning to wear off.  At one point virtually anything Obama touched would instantly turn into gold and Democrats gained an impressive majority riding his coat tails in 2008, but we are on the cusp of a major reversal in fortune. While I am not rooting for a liberal to win this coming Tuesday, whether it be Coakley or Brown, a win that could further hurt Obama's credibility will be f...

A Harry Reid Negro Electability Chart!

I have been somewhat silent on the whole Harry "I am a closet racist" Reid story despite the blatant double standard of the left.  I did not want to compare it to the Lott situation because I think it's different and Reid did ultimately say his racist piece in private, but how quickly he was forgiven by the black community astounded me. Although no two incidents are ever alike I think most would agree that if a Republican uttered the same words, he would be politically dismantled.     So recently Bill and Clyde of PatriotRoom wanted me to use my graphical talent to convey the Reid story graphically.   They pitched the idea and here is the result: