Obama's first UN speech has anti-Israeli overtones.
Iran's Mahmoud Wackajob and Libya's QadafiDuck enjoyed the speech and probably for good reason given the rhetoric by the Great One. Obama flatly denounced settlements: "We continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israel settlements" Maybe the correct position, but not one to announce to the entire world especially not to a body who has exhibited anti-S emitism and anti-Israeli stances before. Why would Obama purposely demonstrate America's disapproval with Israel other than to appease to the Muslim world? Last week Brezinski announced that American planes based in Iraq shout confront Israeli warplanes in the event of a strike on Iran and today Obama slammed Israel's domestic policy. Nanny in charge wishes to impose his vision and ideals in places where they do not belong and just like he wishes to dictate how we heat our house, what we eat, what cars to drive, similarly he will tell Israel how to conduct their busin...