New York-23, a race worthy of your attention.
House races are typically not worth mentioning considering the overwhelming number of them, but what is brewing in New York's 23rd district has possibly reverberations for the entire GOP and the country as a whole. A proverbial schism appears to be underway, a shakeup much needed for the defunct Republican party. This race is a microcosm of the out of touch Republican leadership clashing head to head with true small government citizens and the result of this race will pave the way for the future for conservatives/libertarians/independents. The scoop. Dede Scozzafava a state assemblywoman and republican is facing Doug Hoffman of the Conservative party. Scozzafava has officially been endorsed by the top leadership of the Republican party including heavyweights like New Gingrich Why this race has garnered national attention is due to the endorsements received by Hoffman a whose who of outsiders and known small government advocates like; Palin, Forbes, Sant...