Excessive force at UC Davis OWS protest?
Everyone knows my high skepticism of the OWS movement as I have written previously about it extensively. However a video from what appears to be UC Davis of students being pepper sprayed strikes me as excessive, unnecessary and potentially dangerous. It is unclear as to what is happening and why, but one can glean the following: 1) This appears to be a university and the crowd consists of youth. 2) There are students who are purposely blocking a road/walkway of some kind, possibly preventing a police cruiser from driving through. 3) The students get pepper sprayed while sitting and then arrested. I can't for the life of me understand why the police felt the need to cover students with noxious pepper spray before arresting them? As you can tell from the video the reaction of the onlookers was rather immediate and galvanized everyone against the police. While the video eventually turns into the typical OWS chanting it seemed prett...