
Showing posts from February 2, 2009

Mitch McConnell's amendment to porkulus is HORRIBLE.

Just when you thought that the GOP is back to it's old self after unanimously rejecting the 819 billion porkulus package, in comes minority leader Mitch McConnell. His latest proposal to amend the stimulass package is astonishing. He proposes that the government offers millions of fixed rate mortgages at 4 to 4.5 percent! I am no economist, but upon reading this I threw up a little in my mouth. Just kidding...threw up a lot. As a free market loving, small government wanting fiscally conservative soul I am stunned that this could come out of the GOP. To think that this is what would make McConnell approve this porkulus package is equally saddening. Some of the possible consequences that could arise. Free market violations: By infusing the market with fabricated rates that do not correspond to the actual bond market is will disrupt an already weakened mortgage market. This is similar to price fixing and something that was done during the Great Depression. House values: Values w...

Republicans have another golden opportunity with Daschle.

UPDATE: Tom Daschle bowed out , a lot of pressure has been generated and he has saved himself from the confirmation hearings. 2/3/2009 The GOP has been very hot or cold recently and it seems they are being handed opportunities to finally asset themselves as being different from the big government nanny-state liberals that are currently running the show. - They dropped the ball with Geithner who should have been rejected. - They unified and stood up against the 819 billion all-you-can-eat pork buffet. (Great whip job Eric Cantor!) - Even though this is the RNC , but Michael Steele was a demonstration of something new and fresh. Now, they need to flat out reject Daschle the tax cheat . This particular incident is even more egregious than Geithner and a formal apology is not going to cut it, nor should it. GOP needs to show America that they are not only the party of small government, fiscal responsibility, but also of ethics! Please demonstrate to the people that those elected to h...