Video: Sessions speech and confirmation of Elena Kagan
Senator Sessions gives a very worthy speech summarizing poignantly the situations in which America currently finds itself in. While the nomination of Kagan does not represent a dramatic lurch to the left, it certainly does not inspire confidence of a weakening progressive agenda. Progressives that have dominated American politics since the turn of the century have by and large saddled this country with virtually everything that defies common sense. Progressives are eroding not only our revolutionary past, constitutional fibres, personal liberty, but our dignities as well. With legislation like the Federal Reserve Act, Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and a slew of other programs that weaken our individual resolve while churning out legions of government dependents and building an immovable elitist political class. It is these very progressives that believe a mosque built on the hallow ground of 9/11 is a bridge to some kind of illusory peace with...