
Showing posts from January 4, 2012

Thoughts on Iowa results, what this means for Romney, Paul and eh...Santorum?

Yesterday's results were a bit surprising for those not paying close attention when Santorum finished second in what can be best described as a dead heat.  Paul finishing third was probably disappointing to some die-hard fans, but he had a good showing nonetheless and in line with previous polling data. While I prefer to focus on more macro economic issues, I think it is worthwhile to at least briefly chat about the race.  So what does this mean for the GOP and the candidates? First of all, it is probably very difficult to predict based on Iowa's results how the actual race will unfold.  Simply because America is a very diverse country and people's voting habits differ quite a bit based on their region.  For example the folks that came out for Santorum in western Iowa simply do not exist in New Hampshire.  Similarly the folks supporting Ron Paul do not exist in South Carolina, so forth and so on.  Although Iowa's influence is undeniable as it ...