
Showing posts from November 6, 2009

Bernie Sanders proposes legislation to break up big banks and other too big to fail companies.

It is not often the case in this crazy time in America that someone like myself would be aligned with a self proclaimed socialist, Bernie Sanders from Vermont.  While I find Sanders view on almost everything to be abhorrent, wrong and flat out anti-American, the man has some serious cojones.  Specifically the introduction of the bill that he wishes to be called Too big to fail, Too big to exist Act . Actually on the subject of aligning with socialists, Sanders also submitted a version of Ron Paul's House bill to audit the Fed and this would then mark the second time I support a socialist.  Oi Vey. Why is Sanders correct in this particular case?  Because corporations like Fannie/Freddie (GSEs), Goldman Sachs, AIG, GM, Chrysler, etc have held the government and the taxpayer hostage.  While Congress is entirely complicit and bribed to the bone the ability of giant corporations to essentially threaten financial apocalypse in order to get hundreds of billions of ...

Was Obama disrespectful to victims of Fort Hood?

Yesterday news broke of the shootings at Fort Hood and some immediately cut to the President who was at the time at a conference.  Watch the video below and decide for yourself, but the problem arises from the fact that instead of addressing the tragedy he instead made a shout out to an individual and made light of the situation.  There does certainly appear to be a level of inappropriateness here, but given the context of the situation it is unclear as to how exactly he should have acted.  It is pretty clear that plenty of people are extremely upset and dissapointed with the way Obama handled the situation.  Ironically, NBC Chicago wrote a very scathing piece titled Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting .

Unemployment report - October 2009

Wish there was some good way to spin this , but the economy is drifting in a very predictable fashion as the mailinvested post-boom sectors are beginning to contract. U-3:  10.2% up from 9.8% (The fake good number you will hear about) U-6:  17.5 up from 17% (The real bad number you will not hear about) The problem lies of course in two major fallacies of mainstream economists and politicians.  First being that a contraction after a policy of easy money is somehow avoidable and could be alleviated through government intervention. Second being that intervention at worst case will simply not help. Both wrong, dramatically wrong.  A contraction must happen because the country was engaged in activity that made no sense.  We made too many cars, houses, goods, etc and could not actually afford them.  From the year 2000 wages have pretty much remained stagnant while houses doubled and car ownership saturated to a point where there were 2.4 cars for every hou...