Bernie Sanders proposes legislation to break up big banks and other too big to fail companies.
It is not often the case in this crazy time in America that someone like myself would be aligned with a self proclaimed socialist, Bernie Sanders from Vermont. While I find Sanders view on almost everything to be abhorrent, wrong and flat out anti-American, the man has some serious cojones. Specifically the introduction of the bill that he wishes to be called Too big to fail, Too big to exist Act . Actually on the subject of aligning with socialists, Sanders also submitted a version of Ron Paul's House bill to audit the Fed and this would then mark the second time I support a socialist. Oi Vey. Why is Sanders correct in this particular case? Because corporations like Fannie/Freddie (GSEs), Goldman Sachs, AIG, GM, Chrysler, etc have held the government and the taxpayer hostage. While Congress is entirely complicit and bribed to the bone the ability of giant corporations to essentially threaten financial apocalypse in order to get hundreds of billions of ...