
Showing posts from October 28, 2008

Question 1 Massachusetts, Yes or No?

This is probably one of the most important questions in Massachusetts (MA) and something I have been thinking about for a long time. If we do not make the right decision here, it can only return in six years. We are now bombarded by anti-question1 ads and I noticed that everywhere I drove, I saw banners supporting NO on question1...but I also noticed that they were always standing next to a pro-Obama sign. Curious, is it not? So I started doing some research and I have concluded that every ad is a lie. Blatant lie. They even made a website with more lies. It has become rather apparent that everyone should vote YES on question 1 in order to send a message that enough is enough. My video is below, but here are important links that will enable you to do your own research. List of organizations voting NO MA financial report, check out page 320 for the TRUE budget Towns at a glance! Shows the REAL state aid for each town.

Is Barack Obama a Marxist?

This seems to be the most popular question these days and with Joe Biden banning TV stations from asking tough questions - Americans are interested in the latest hype. Some distinctly remember how the word 'liberal' sank Dukakis, democrats also remember! Right now they call themselves progressives, because it sounds better. Make no mistake, progressive and liberal is the exact same thing. They might not advocate outright corporate ownership as that would imply communism more than anything, but they do want to spread your wealth around and grow our already bloated government. How Obama can deny that he is proposing wealth distribution when HE himself said to the now famous Joe the Plumber that we should "spread the wealth around". How stupid does the think we are? Still, there are more sinister ties to Mr. Obama. His New Party endorsement that he asked for is a direct relationship to Marxists and communists. His relationship to William Ayers is interesting in mo...

Who I am voting for!

Without delving too much into specifics, I am voting for Bob Barr. Living in MA, I can get away with it and frankly anyone living in deep blue or deep red (if those are still around) should consider doing the same. We need to send a message that the current parties are broken. Their primary focus is to grow and expand the government to the point of no return. Literally. No one actually shrinks this bloated beast and that means more waste, corruption, elimination of freedom, etc. HOWEVER, everyone else should vote for McCain. Obama is a threat to this country and I am saying this not because I am brainwashed by right wing fear-mongering. Rather all the time I spent researching and reading about Obama and his roots. I have made a video on the matter.