Obama civilian force.
I found a clip of this proposal a month ago and made a point to mention it in a video I made weeks ago. I must admit that at the time I felt that the proposal was rather silly and impractical. Imagine my surprise when I read the following on Change.gov (Barack's official website): NOTE: The below text was directly copied from the website, notice the word 'required'. If you look at the website now, the text has been conveniently modified to sound less imposing. If you never read 1984, now would be a good time to start. I am serious! America Serves "When you choose to serve -- whether it's your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood -- you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That's why it's called the American dream." The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-El...