
Showing posts from August 27, 2010

All governments are the same: Massachusetts property taxes rise as values plummet.

While berating and ridiculing waste in the Federal government is a favorite activity of many fiscal conservatives, one has to be reminded that in modern day America profligacy and waste are rampant through all levels of public service.  Massachusetts state budget is a monster always deserving of attention sporting a hefty 51+ Billion dollar spending spree as recently as last year, but it would be simply unfair to focus on state spending alone.  Especially in a system where every lower form of government becomes subservient to it's master through grants, favors, subsidies and other form of financial witchcraft.  Here in Massachusetts certain town are recipients of state funding, funding that is collected from other towns in a perverse form of distribution that simply encourages mismanaged towns to continue the errors of their ways.  Of course this distribution does not necessarily siphon funds from wealthier towns to poorer towns, although that is more often the cas...