Zombieland, starring Lisa Murkowski. Update: GOP issuing triple tap.

Although a double tap should have done it, yet Murkowski brushed aside Alaskan voters who chose Joe Miller and is now brushing aside Alaska's Libertarian Party . First, let me be the first to say that the discussions over having Murkowski run on the Libertarian ticket went on for far too long. How can a group representing constitutional limited government ever consider a porker like Murkowski? That conversation should have lasted 2 minutes and gone something like this: Murkowski: Hey guys, I am your best chance at winning a Senate seat ever - support me. Libertarian Party: We are armed. No, but seriously, what was there to consider? An insider politician supporting TARP and proudly announcing industry support due to her exceptional skill of shoveling pork into Alaska. At that rate, Obama would make a great Libertarian candidate too. So what now? Instead of acknowledging the political winds and the will of the Alaskan people, in...