
Showing posts from May 2, 2011

Thoughts on the death of Osama bin Laden Update: Photos inside compound added

America was greeted with great news last night at the death of the most wanted man on earth.   However it took only took a few more minutes after that for partisan divide to seep through and people began bickering over who gets credit.  President Obama presented the news in an impromptu televised message and claimed credit by stating that he was approached and gave not only the go ahead to conduct further intelligence, but also the go ahead for the final operation. Obama's words were carefully chosen last night and it would seem pretty clear that the Pakistani government was not made aware that American special forces were landing deep inside their country to perform an assassination attempt, this makes the decision a difficult one.  Had anything gone wrong and I mean *anything* it could have created a nasty international incident with a country that is already seething with anti-American sentiment for the years of drone attacks, CIA operatives and other perceived Ameri...