A dose of common sense: Chris Christie vs. Teacher Unions.
Ever since Chris Christie assumed governorship in one of the bluest states in the country he has been a source of frustration for Democrats and a source of pleasant surprise for the Republicans. To me he has not done anything drastic or extraordinary, but some of his rhetoric has been quite news worthy. First he schooled a NJ reporter for being called "combative" and then he vetoed a bill from the NJ legislature because they attempted to raise taxes on individuals making more than a million dollars a year. Now he took on a NJ teacher head on in an honest, refreshing and common sense manner. After watching this video, if you have any sympathy for the teacher then you need to get your head checked. The most interesting aspect of this video is the statement by the teacher, that she teaches because she loves it while at the exact same time demands MORE money on public television. These are the people teaching our kids? This is an utter embarr...