
Showing posts from November 7, 2009

Breaking News: House passes health care bill 220-215

Not much to say here other than to wince in pain at the realization that a difference of 5 votes just sold us down the river.  Democrats were clapping as the time wound down and Pelosi almost burst into tears of joy as she read the final tally.  Rep. Joseph Cao is the only Republican voting YEA in a most mind boggling last minute action considering he ruined the Republican's opportunity to label this as a Democrat only bill.  Democrats were able to gain enough votes by amending the bill with the Stupak-Pitts proposal which gave the pro-lifers "cover".  Remember this, America is hijacked by a radical minority and this is fact.  HR 3962 is supported by 18% of the people on and only 42% support the bill according to America's best pollster . It is now up to the Senate of course, but this battle for the time being has been lost and Reid need only get a handful of people to tip the scale.  An amendment here or there could do the trick a...