Must watch: Jim Bunning questions Ben Bernanke during renomination process.
It is quite a shame that a great senator like Jim Bunning is retiring, I guess he is a rare breed in these times. This video might be a tad long, but I recommend you watch it to get a better understanding of why the Federal Reserve plays such a significant role in our economy, why the policies of the past twenty years have been a failure and how the banking elite/Wall St. are screwing every single person in America. My only note would be on the matter of Bunning's next bubble assertion. In theory, Bernanke is indeed trying to create a new bubble as that is the only theoretical way we can beat off the coming depression - but unfortunately this bubble must exceed the size of the previous. In order for the banks to continue functioning and mop up their losses is to create another frenzy. This is the story of America since the late 1980s, but it is a story built on cards and this story will inevitably collapse.