
Showing posts from August 17, 2011

Mainstream GOP blog still does not understand the Federal Reserve, mocks Ron Paul.

I have had many issues with the way certain mainstream GOP blogs portray libertarian leaning candidates like Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, but sometimes they expose their own lack of understanding to such a point that it becomes impossible to ignore. HotAir's self proclaimed RINO Allahpundit who is generally very "reasonable" decides to poke fun at Ron Paul because Paul found Rick Perry's comments about the Fed to be ridiculous: Via  Politico , the key bit’s at 4:00. Can we now safely agree that Perry went too far? When  Ron Paul  is taking shots at you for being fringe-y, you’ve crossed a line that no man should cross. Except maybe in  libertarian Waterworld . “Now they have this other governor, I can’t remember his name,” Paul joked. “He realizes that talking about the Fed is good, too. But I’ll tell you what, he makes me sound like a moderate. I have never once said Bernanke has committed treason. But I have suggested very strongly...