Carnage in Palestine and anti-semitism.

According to this story a violent series of air strikes has left the Gaza strip in utter destruction, with 200 people dead and another 200+ injured.

It is unclear as to what prompted such a backlash, but apparently Hamas fired longer ranging rockets this time.

UPDATE: I recognize that Hamas has been firing rockets for years and has launched thousands in that time. I was unclear as to why this last firing served as the catalyst for this war.

What is disturbing about this development is the timing. Anti-semitism appears to be on the rise and with US continuing to defend Israel the anti-Jew crowd will have more to scream and shout about. My observations, and they may be purely coincidental is that a growing number of people are holding the Jews responsible for our financial crisis. I am seeing this on YouTube, specific websites and forums. There are circles that are known for hate - like the white nationalists or Nation of Islam Muslims, but now a group of disenfranchised Ron Paul supporters have joined the coalition of the hating. Ironically they are pursuing a more intellectual angle, based on Ron Paul's vehement dislike of the Federal Reserve.

This one is particularly damaging, because it's rooted from the days of the Third Reich. The idea that Jews control the finances of the world and use their enormous wealth to create wars has been a fueling idea for Hitler ever since he learned about the possibility, now this concept has entrenched itself in minds of Americans. They urge you to discover "Who owns the Fed" and point you to what appears to be hundreds of websites explaining that the Fed is run by powerful international jewish bankers. Unfortunately their intellectual facade crumbles when they continue to insist that the Holocaust was a sham and that everyone in the world except them of course is being brainwashed by vast Zionist networks. Straight out of Goebbels, really.

Now, I dislike the Fed as much as any Austrian economist, but my anger stems from government expansion. I am convinced after examining Friedman's work that if it were not for the Federal Reserve, we would never have had the Great Depression. Any time we give humans the ability to control monetary supply, we open up opportunities for error. Greenspan unfortunately fell victim to this too - setting the stage for the housing crisis. Now Bernanke has fallen into the trap and this unprecedented spending will drive us into yet another crisis.

But, to submit to some conspiracy theories only because times are hard is a sign of weak intelligence and weak moral fibre. It is beyond upsetting to see accusations of Jewish conspiracy in the most subtle of places. I was watching a trailer of the movie Defiance (about Polish partisans fighting German occupations) and there were comments suggesting that this is mere Zionist propaganda to stem the flow of anti-semitism! Wow.

Every major problem has been blamed on the Jews - and unlike what the haters would have you to believe, this is not evidence to support their claims. A propagation of the same recycled material is not proof of anything other than close minded hate filled insecurities. Of course bringing up the notion that they may be anti-semitic will usually result in another hate filled avalanche of how the term 'anti-semitism' has been used to silence the 'truth'.

I just hope this country does not spiral out of control, as this is usually a foreboding sign.


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