You know a bill is BAD when...

You got the full weight of the craziest lefties in America behind it. Looks like on is utterly flabbergasted upon learning that not a single Republican in the house voted to support this piece of junk. It would appear that they are suffering from reality shock, after all, how could such a large group of politicians oppose dear leader's proposal? After all, he won!? The only conclusion...they must be Nazis. So now, in the midst of celebrating their 10 year existence and their 4.2 million person membership (about 1.5% of America's population) they have launched a campaign. They want a massive outcry and to encourage Republican senators next week to support this broiled pork chop. This is from their website:

"Lobbyists and their conservative allies in Congress are working hard to kill these crucial provisions and instead spend that money on more tax cuts for the rich. Only a massive public outcry will make sure Obama and Congress stand firm for these key investments in our economy. Can you sign our petition right away? A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to your Senators and Representative. "

Crucial provisions? Look at the post from a few days ago to see just how crucial these provisions are. I suppose 4.1 billion to non-profit groups like ACORN and multiple billions to upgrade federal buildings is certainly crucial. More tax cuts for the rich!? What tax cuts on the rich are they talking about and how could you spend money on a tax cut? You mean, NOT spend money on government programs that are collected FROM the rich? This logic is so woefully painful, that I am inevitably naturally concerned for the mental health of those 4.2 million members.

They plan to run television ads in the states of certain Republican senators whose term is ending in 2010 in an effort to persuade them to vote for this rack of baby back ribs. While what happened yesterday in the House was extremely impressive, Republicans have a long way to go to demonstrate to the conservative base that they have pulled their head out of their moderate rectal passages. A filibuster next week to squash this pile of bacon will be another monumental step. Some people like Michelle Malkin were suggesting yesterday that people email every single representative, a tall order no doubt, but a much easier task would be to contact about 10 or so moderate republicans. I have compiled a list of the most likely Republicans that will be targeted to break rank and similarly a list of blue dog democrats that *might* suddenly care about their country.

I included links to their profiles so that you can contact them individually or print out their pictures to practice witchcraft and other dark arts.

Arlen Specter
Bob Corker
Susan Collins
Richard Shelby
Orrin Hatch
Olympia Snowe - Should seriously consider changing parties
Richard Lugar
George Voinovich

Here is a list of possible democrats you should contact and shower with pleasantries, inform them of their wonderful American sensibilities and other false, but feel-good hogwash.

Ben Nelson
Jim Webb
Mark Pryor
John Salazar

That is about it, if you feel some names do not belong or would like to make your own contribution, please feel free. If anyone feels like compiling a list of e-mails for convenient blasting, my laziness will thank you.


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