Cheney versus Obama

I feel compelled to make frivolous commentary regarding the latest spat between former VP Dick Cheney and Mr. Obama. Current topic of conversation? War on terror, a topic that Obama has undoubtedly mastered and fully understood in his short time as the president of this great nation.


Cheney maintains his unwavering stance that dealing with terrorism requires a strong and calculated approach, a recognition of who the enemy is and what they are capable of doing is constantly reiterated and never forgotten.

Obama maintains his wavering stance that America is built on certain principles and this "war on terror" is potentially violating these principles, furthermore that our political spectrum has it wrong and only a compromising approach can be a solution to avoid "man-made disasters".

Who is winning?

Once again, I must apologize to the frivolous nature of this post because I fail to see this as even a battle worthy of commentary. Considering of course the participants involved. A man who has been in politics virtually all his life and has been exposed to top secret information for the past 8, a man with extremely strong convictions and principles. Versus, a man who has been in politics for about as long as Cheney has been vice president and briefed with top secret information for about 6 months - and has demonstrated no conviction, no stance and no position. A FDR third-wayer, a pure politician determined to appeal and be loved by all.

People do not like Cheney, he seems dark and sinister, cannot wipe that permanent scowl off his face and speaks in a condescending tone. But if you look past all the unpleasant physical trivialities you will hear words and wisdom that is becoming of a president, worthy of an individual that could hold the highest office in the nation. Yet instead we have a feel-good, pretty, jovial and gives-me-the-fuzzies man appealing to all our primitive human desires. Unfortunately when he opens his mouth and spews his senseless drivel, one must wonder just how safe we really are and how he ever ended up as president (thank McCain).

In the most purest analogies:

Dick Cheney is the hunter.
Obama is Bambi.

Decide for yourself:


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