National Endowment for the Arts mired in propaganda?

In a flurry of posts, BigGovernment has opened a Pandora's box festering for the past several weeks of NEA's alleged involvement in health care propaganda. It seems as of now that a conference was held with a collection of organizations and supporters on the matter of social policy.

The goal of the conference call: “to help lay a new foundation for growth, focusing on core areas of the recovery agenda – health care, energy and environment, safety and security, education, community renewal.” The call would push “a group of artists, producers, promoters, organizers, influencers, marketers, taste-makers, leaders or just plain cool people to join together and work together to promote a more civically engaged America and celebrate how the arts can be used for a positive change!”

A request of this calibre is not only unprecedented, but possibly illegal and certainly immoral given taxpayer money involvement. At least several agencies involved in the call are 501(c)3 organizations and legally cannot engage in partisan efforts. HotAir and Washington Times have become very curious as to the nature of the people involved and are asking readers to do their due diligence to see if they can dig anything up. These kinds of peculiar developments can usually lead to surprising links, favors, money exchanges and other nefarious activities. Could this conference be a carefully crafted collection of pro-Obama supporters?

One other important thing to note, which has not been mentioned recently is the 50 million dollars given to the NEA in the 787 billion stimulus package. While 50 million paled in comparison to the behemoth stimulus, questions were raised as to the stimulating nature of providing NEA with taxpayer loot during a recession. Perhaps we have our answer? Millions of dollars can be very stimulating in promoting Obama's vision of health care reform and liberal utopia. With Cap and Trade, student loan takeover and community renewal (don't forget about Obama's civil service vision) the Ministry of Propaganda will have it's hands full! Yikes.


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