
Showing posts from October 17, 2008

Colin Powell endorsing Obama?

I have to believe that a Republican of even moderate persuasion like Colin is, cannot support the most liberal senator in the United States senate. If this is NOT an issue about race, then I do not know what it is. Colin's background is military, he was for the Iraq war and while he may think that neo-cons are fucking crazies - this endorsement will be equally crazy. I am dissapointed in a man that I would have voted for if he ran for president. This country is divided and it is very sad.

Why you simply cannot vote for Obama.

I am working on a three part series that will make one final attempt at pointing out something. Obama is the worst candidate this country has ever seen. He is the most radical, has the most unclear history, inspires all the wrong people, has the most oppressive policies and is only popular because he is different. Different in all sense, particularly because he is NOT Bush. America is willing to make the biggest mistake for the sake of change. The most liberal senator in the senate. Yet after all the damage Bush has done, one of the worst financial collapses in US history and one of the weakest Republican candidates - Obama still has not sealed the deal? WHY? Because he is weak, radical and scary. If he wins (then I assume ACORN will get a raise) this country will be divided in a way it has never been before. Here is part 1: