
Showing posts from October 11, 2009

Ardi the missing link to evolution?

Have you heard of Ardi?  Better known as Ardipithecus , is another missing link of human evolution possibly answering the age old Darwinian question; If humans did not evolve out of apes/chimps, then how can evolution be a viable concept?  Ardi, a 4-6 million year fossil shows a human ancestor with two anatomical mysteries impossible to ignore.  Ardi has significantly reduced canines, teeth substantially smaller than a chimp, but far more importantly, Ardi is a bipedal !  Bipedal-ism is a trait only available to humans and an evolutionary development that pushed human development forward. This discovery is yet another nail in the coffin of religious sentiment and control of social agenda.  Advocating creationism in the face of mounting evidence will become increasingly more difficult and will start silencing anti-evolutionary religious advocacy.  While religion in gener...