
Showing posts from March 13, 2010

Inflation vs. Deflation: Mike Shedlock vs. Marc Faber

This is a good video , short and sweet describing the main arguments between inflation and deflation.  While Marc "Dr. Doom" Faber deserves all the respect in the world, he unfortunately misses the mark here, at least partially.  Mike Shedlock however delivers a succinct argument as to why the credit expansion strategy of the Central Bank will inevitably fail.  Where both men are completely right is that the current policy being pursued by our government is one of utter disaster and Marc Faber even goes so far as to say these policies will bring down the Western governments.  Well, they don't call him Dr. Doom for nothing, but sadly he may be on to something.  One of the hallmarks of the Great Depression was it's unbearable length and duration, this is of course purely and completely due to massive government stimulus, currency devaluation and choking taxation.  Both Mike Shedlock and Marc Faber are sensing that the approach over the last two years...