
Showing posts from November 1, 2009

NY-23 race, GOP suffers big hit.

About one week ago I pointed out that the NY-23 race is something you should be watching and this race just got more interesting.  The GOP hand picked candidate and liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava has withdrawn the race and apparently endorsed the Democrat challenge instead of the conservative Doug Hoffman. While Newt Gingrich and the rest of the out of touch Republican race refused to budge under growing pressure from small government supporters, Hoffman's popularity and support exploded.  This is all good and well considering Newt's main point was the fear that a 3rd party victory could usher in a wave of challengers liable of stealing GOP votes and handing easy victories to the Democrats.  Some have pointed out this rather legitimate concern, but there is no legitimacy here what so ever.  What Gingrich and others have failed to realize is that the Republican party offers virtually nothing new in contrast to the Democrat party and while they pay lip servic...