F.A. Hayek and the Road to Serfdom's timeless message.
I have embarked on a new reading adventure The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek arguably one of the most notable and influential of the Austrian economists. I plan to dissect this book very carefully and plan to do so here on this blog, perhaps chapter by chapter. I presume it will serve as a reminder during the reading of a difficult text that I must pay attention. As of now this will be one of the more challenging texts that I have tackled on the matter of politics and economics, although this is still principally a political book. I have also somewhat lost appreciation for Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg as I am seeing far too many parallels between the two works. Although Goldberg's message was that of drawing parallels between modern day liberals and fascists, the underlying message seems to resonate largely from Hayek . While I am still in the early stages of the work, some of the focal messages in the book are those that many of us on the right tend to parrot each and ev...