Senator Inhofe on the matter of the stolen Global Warming emails.
Below is an interview with Senator Inhofe a leading political figure on the issue of global warming "science" once calling Global Warming a hoax. For those that still believe that the stolen emails represent nothing (ahem - NYT) or somehow demonstrate the desperation of the "right", I suggest your get with the program and stop slurping the Kool-Aid. While the method by which they were obtained is deplorable ignoring them despite the constant errors coming out of the global warming camps is equally idiotic. Senator Inhofe plans to launch a full investigation and rightfully so because we are talking about millions of dollars squandered on this research with no results and for no damn reason. We should absolutely strive to have the most innovative and advanced technology in the world, we should ween ourselves from foreign oil and we should certainly develop methodologies that could assist us in preserving the sanctity of our planet - but because we want to...