NPR executive Ron Schiller caught on tape slamming Americans, exposes liberal elitism.
Another undercover sting job from James O'Keefe, the guy who infiltrated ACORN, this time catching a NPR executive admitting some rather harsh truths on tape. Although much of what Ron Schiller said is not a big surprise given what we already know about NPR I wanted to mention a particular segment as it is indicative of the cultural and societal divide that exists in this country and then focus on the faulty logic behind it. I recommend you watch the whole thing, but at around the 3 minute mark one sees what I believe is the core of the problem. Schiller states unequivocally that the problem with this country is the lack of intellectuals and the dominance of the stupid gun-toting American. His belief is that our problems stem from the fact that the intellectual elite is shrinking and the stupid middle class is growing. Of course we want as many intelligent people as possible, the problem is that Schiller's view of intelligence is confined to...