
Showing posts from September 24, 2009

Cult of Personality or Public Education?

How do you like dem ' cultish apples? Public education and cult of personalities certainly go hand in hand, no coincidence that benchmark of tyrannical evil always supported State run school systems and youth groups. No wonder they oppose school vouchers, doubt we would such spectacles. This was filmed at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ and uploaded on June 19, 2009. "Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"" Niiiiice. What accomplishments? Ahh, forget it. "Education is a weapon,whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed." - Joseph Stalin "In relation to the political decontamination of our public life,the government will embark upon a systematic campaign to restore the nation’s moral and material health.The whole educational system, theater, film,literature, the press and broadcasting --all these will be used as a means t...

ObamaCare in pill format.

They say, a picture speaks a thousand words. Here is my picture, although come to think of it there are more words than pictures - but you get the idea. Sickened already? Treatment may be in form of understanding the actual problems first. For example, federal tax code and it's implication on our health care system .

Benjamin Netanyahu blasts UN, calls it like is.

Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu is a leader worthy of admiration and respect. He speaks with moral clarity, conviction and honesty that appears to be missing from modern day politicians. Bibi correctly assaults the UN for supporting and condoning Mahmoud Wackajob's Holocaust-denying anti-Semitic rhetoric while commending US/Canada for walking out. Unfortunately Bibi used up his precious time to prove to the incompetent UN council to prove that the Holocaust indeed happened by citing documents and "proof". Perhaps debate has withered to such an alarmingly degrading common denominator where we must actually challenge Holocaust. This of course brings a much more important question and one that Bibi raises. If the UN charter has turned into a "mockery" then perhaps we should seriously reconsider our involvement and funding of this organization. We are the chief contributors to UN yet the advantage we yield from pouring money into this cesspool of hate. They were i...