
Showing posts from March 23, 2010

For those of you cheering the passage of ObamaCare

This is just a little message to the minority that supported this bill and believe that America will benefit from the narrow passage that occurred several days ago.  It would appear that the primary celebration stems from the idea that we will now be insuring those millions who are uninsured and the secondary celebration from the idea that we will now remove pre-existing conditions.  While common sense dictates that there is no such thing as a free lunch, less common sense does not deal with the question of why more insurance is the panacea.  So assuming that it is, a concept terribly flawed, then the cost of insurance will rise.  However we must simply observe what is happening today to determine the course of our future direction.  Currently the majority of Americans who have insurance, obtain it via their employers.  This already skews and distorts the perception of most Americans as to what the real cost of health care is and something I once covered ...