
Showing posts from December 16, 2009

Sanders interrupts reading of his own amendment and withdraws it.

Bernie Sanders (video below) is a socialist who truly and honestly wishes for central control of virtually every industry in this country at every cost.  He will even soil the very essence of the Senate violating a long standing tradition of allowing the bill to be read until completion unless anonymous consent is achieved, which today it was not!  Even though Sanders somehow stumbled into our good graces by standing against Ben Bernanke while supporting an Audit of the Fed, but his motivation and thinking process are completely on the polar opposite of most Americans.  The video below illustrates that he disrupts the reading illegally (based on a faulty precedent in 1992), but is pushing the mantra of the Obama administration - crisis.  Sanders states with full confidence that "everyone knows" we are in a crisis and finds the Republican tactic shameful.  Let us examine that. First of all, no poll currently exists that supports ObamaCare and no poll exi...

Tom Coburn exercises Senate rights, forces to read single-payer amendment to ObamaCare!

If you recall previously, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma threatened to read the entire Senate version of the bill, but he has chosen to do so with the proposal from Bernie Sanders.  Sanders decided that on top of the existing 2,000 pages he was going to add another 300+ pages implementing a single-payer system.   Considering that Harry Reid already had to forfeit both the public option and the Medicare expansion this appears to be just a giant waste of time.  Considering that none of the senators and certainly NONE of the house members actually read the bill they passed it would seem prudent to do so in the Senate, but it is peculiar that Coburn chose the silly amendment instead of the actual bill.  Most likely this is a warning sign to the Democrat majority that any attempt to shove a massive takeover of health care will be met with stiff resistance.  As far as the single-payer system on the Senate floor right now, well it would appear that Coburn is simp...