Sanders interrupts reading of his own amendment and withdraws it.

Bernie Sanders (video below) is a socialist who truly and honestly wishes for central control of virtually every industry in this country at every cost.  He will even soil the very essence of the Senate violating a long standing tradition of allowing the bill to be read until completion unless anonymous consent is achieved, which today it was not! 

Even though Sanders somehow stumbled into our good graces by standing against Ben Bernanke while supporting an Audit of the Fed, but his motivation and thinking process are completely on the polar opposite of most Americans.  The video below illustrates that he disrupts the reading illegally (based on a faulty precedent in 1992), but is pushing the mantra of the Obama administration - crisis.  Sanders states with full confidence that "everyone knows" we are in a crisis and finds the Republican tactic shameful.  Let us examine that.

First of all, no poll currently exists that supports ObamaCare and no poll exists that shows a majority of Americans are not content with our health care system.  A majority of Americans agree that we need reform, but expanding a system that is broken is hardly the right approach.

Second of all, what exactly has Tom Coburn done such as to be on the receiving end of Sanders marxist rage?  He ordered the reading of a bill!  HELLO?  Are we so far gone as to actually consider reading a bill as something to be ashamed of?   This is truly a sad precedent and in today's twitter chat one could find many angry Americans calling Coburn a "jerk" and other affectionate names while objecting to his "stalling tactics".  Sorry folks, if you believe that reading a bill before voting on it is considered "stalling" then you need a civics lesson. 

Sanders then spends about 30 minutes convincing his fellow Senators that a single-payer system is the only logical, cost effective and efficient system left for us.  He then cites Vietnam as an example, a country that has embraced very recently a single-payer system based on our Medicare.  What Sanders fails to understand is that virtually every sweeping government take over starts off well only to fall apart later.  This is the same reason why Canada and United Kingdom are facing serious structural problems within their single-payer systems.  Health care can absolutely and should be a free market solution, but what we have currently is a MIX of both.  We have a ton of government intervention via subsidies, tax credits, HMO act of 1973, subsidies for big pharmaceuticals, Medicare, FDA and Medicaid.  No criticism of our current system can happen until we examine the impact our government is playing - and it is massive. 

In an all too typical progressive fashion, Sanders bemoans our broken insurance company system - the very system that Ted Kennedy and other progressives built in the 1970s.  Truly sad.


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