
Showing posts from October 21, 2010

Sean Bielat is getting too much attention.

Everyone who has followed the housing collapse and ever heard Barney insult his constituents is watching this race very intently, perhaps too intently.  This smacks a bit of the frenzy and frothing we felt in January when Scott Brown pulled the upset, but Brown's election was supposed to stop ObamaCare and had deep symbolic meaning as it was Teddy's old seat.  This time, we have a general election with hundreds of interesting Senate and House races going around the country, yet several premier conservative websites (, RedState) have already run multiple unique posts covering this race. Three of the posts specifically encouraged readers to send donations to Bielat.  There are two possible explanations.  One is that Sean Bielat is a fantastic candidate and supporting him takes precedence over other equally worthy candidates.  Even though Hudak challenging Tierney and Lamb challenging McGovern is just as important as their votes and socialis...