Sean Bielat is getting too much attention.

Everyone who has followed the housing collapse and ever heard Barney insult his constituents is watching this race very intently, perhaps too intently.  This smacks a bit of the frenzy and frothing we felt in January when Scott Brown pulled the upset, but Brown's election was supposed to stop ObamaCare and had deep symbolic meaning as it was Teddy's old seat.  This time, we have a general election with hundreds of interesting Senate and House races going around the country, yet several premier conservative websites (, RedState) have already run multiple unique posts covering this race.

Three of the posts specifically encouraged readers to send donations to Bielat.  There are two possible explanations.  One is that Sean Bielat is a fantastic candidate and supporting him takes precedence over other equally worthy candidates.  Even though Hudak challenging Tierney and Lamb challenging McGovern is just as important as their votes and socialist rhetoric are identical to Frank's.  Second one is that people hate Barney so much that it does not matter who the hell is running against him.

Sean Bielat the candidate is about as boring and uninspiring as you can possibly imagine.  Sure, he sports the dreadfully mundane eloquence factor, which in contrast to Barney is not difficult to achieve and a military career - a sure way to inspire any red blooded American's heart to beat uncontrollably.  But in 2010 America, where a financial crisis is threatening to dismantle our way of life and the absolutely disastrous victory of Obama, one would think that people have  moved away from the flare and glare of cultist politics and into substantive issues.  So what does Bielat offer those of us that are hungry for real fundamental change?  Let's see.

- Does he support repealing ObamaCare?  Nope.
- Does he support Medicare?  Yes and wants to expand it.
- Does he propose any specific spending cuts?  Nope.
- Does he support a local ballot initiative (Q3) to slash our state's sales tax?  Nope.
- Does he support winding down hostilities?  Resounding nope.
- Does he endorse and support our current progressive tax?  Yes.

You know, if I didn't know any better, this guy sounds like a moderate Democrat more than anything else.  Oddly enough this was my first impression after I learned about Bielat during the Republican primary, which is why endorsed Earl Sholley.  Turns out, my hunch was not too far off.  As of 2006, Sean Bielat was actually a registered voting Democrat!   I guess the Republicans in America figured that in order to beat Barney Frank in the deep blue fourth congressional district, they had to run a Democrat with an R next to his name. Bloody brilliant, bloody good work I say.

Here is the thing, Barney Frank is awful, he is the poster child of term limits and represents pretty much everything wrong with the left wing of the Democrat machine.   Not only are his hands all over Fannie/Freddie, but his remarks and commentary smack of Marxist ideology.  He is rude, obnoxious and simply intolerable.  How I wince every time I drive through wealthy Newton, Dover and Sherborn and observe the never ending streak of Frank signs - it is sickening, just sickening how politically ignorant people are in this state.  Yet now we have a political climate the likes of which has not been felt in recent history, a climate that is sending chills down every incumbent's spine and a populace ready for change and what do we do?  We run exactly the same kind of big government liberal Republicans and pour millions of dollars into their coffers that got us into this mess in the first place.  This is like a bad dream that never seems to stop.

When will the people realize that winning while forfeiting all values and principles is what brought America's to it's knees?

Don't get me wrong,  I would be the first to cheer Frank's "premature" retirement, but the amount of disproportionate free press and attention that this race is getting is symptomatic of the broken political process in this country.  There are plenty of other citizen legislators running uphill in Massachusetts with far more impressive records and rhetoric than that of Bielat.   Yet,  we would rather beat our nemesis than elect a good candidate!?   Exactly the same kind of mentality that got Barack Obama elected.  When will we ever learn?


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