The first steps to the bailout bill
The first 250 billion is now being allocated. So far I have mixed feelings about this. I am elated that they are not buying up garbage (toxic) mortgages and instead using the money to inject the banks with liquidity. This is important as it guarantees their solvency and that banks will continue to operate. This should alleviate the credit crunch that is precisely what is grinding our economy into a halt. I assume however that this ownership is a temporary measure. We do not want our govt to dictate the bank's policies - that will be a disaster. If they plan to do the same thing as Japan did, at the very least they can learn from Japan's mistakes. Nationalizing banks must be a swift and temporary measure to provide confidence and a source of security to the ailing banks. Buying up mortages is the worst thing they can do because it just rewards bad behavior. I heard talks that some Democrats proposed refinancing loans to a new lower adjusted rate. This is horse shit and ...